Enjoy Our Bold and Beautiful 8x12 Prints for All Your Photos

Do you have a horizontal frame that needs the perfect picture? Our 8x12 prints make an excellent choice. Order yours for yourself or a loved one today!


Our beautiful 8x12 photo prints offer all the quality and clarity we are known for. These large photo prints feature:

  • 8x12-inch size, perfect for horizontal shots
  • Archival ink and paper for longevity 
  • Exceptional image quality 
  • Choose a standard luster or metallic pearl finish
  • Order on your laptop or phone
  • Average turnaround time of 3-4 days

Enjoy a Wider View of All of Life's Special Moments

Our 8x12 prints are ideal for horizontal and landscape images, making them an excellent choice for wide nature shots or for families with a few too many cousins to fit in a narrower picture. They are also an excellent choice for wedding party photos and other large group gatherings when you want to ensure everyone will fit in the prints or fine art photos shot from a unique perspective. 

Gallery Quality Photo Prints for a Price You Can Afford

Bring all your favorite images to life with stunning picture quality and preserve them for decades when you choose the team at Yellow Lab Imaging. We use only industry-leading printing techniques and archival-quality ink and paper to ensure all your prints will look fantastic for years to come. 

Whether you need family photos printed or fine art photos, we are always here to help you choose the perfect print, finish, and size for your project. Order your prints online or contact us for any assistance. 

Order Your 8x12 Prints Today

Our wide-angle 8x12 prints are sure to delight anyone who sees them. Order now and enjoy fast, free shipping on all orders over $25. 

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