Bring Your Memories With You With Our 3x3 Photo Prints

Do you want to print small photos for a gift, collage, small frame, or wallet? Our 3x3 photo prints are a perfect size. Order yours today. 


At Yellow Lab Imaging, we are proud to offer high-quality 3x3 photo prints at affordable prices. Our photos feature:

  • 3x3 inch size, perfect for small square frames
  • High-resolution images for stunning picture quality
  • Archival ink and paper for durability
  • Perfect for family photos or fine art photos
  • Order right from your phone or laptop
  • Average turnaround time is about 3-4 days

Just the Right Size for Any Occasion

Do you have a small square photo frame or even an ornament that you haven't gotten around to filling? Do you want to add some texture and variety to your photo displays? Bring all your memories to life with our stunning, high-resolution 3x3 prints when you place your order today.

Why Choose Yellow Lab Imaging?

At Yellow Lab Imaging, we are helping families and artists share their photos in unique and exciting ways. We offer a wide range of print products, including metal prints, canvas gallery wraps, and more, so you can display your photos with elegance. Have an older photo of a loved one that's faded? No problem. We also offer photo restoration and scanning services so you can restore and preserve the image. Contact us today to learn more about all our services or to place your order. We are always here to answer any questions. 

Print 3x3 Photos Today

Do you want to know where to print 3x3 photos? You are in the right place! Place your order today or check out all our printing services and get ready to display all your treasured memories. We offer fast turnaround and shipping on all our products. 

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